Fall 2002

We have fixed our schedule for the fall term and we anticipate continued lively investigations of issues that are invigorating our scholarly fields. As is our custom, the seminars are entirely devoted to discussion of previously circulated papers; please call in advance for the papers. We also draw your attention to an additional event of interest to put on your fall calendar. We hope you will be able to join us and our colleagues this fall!

Thursday, September 12

4:15 p.m. Davison Art Center, Seminar Room (Room 300)

Kate Lowe, Department of Historical and Cultural Studies, University of London

‘My strength is made perfect in weakness’: Latin orations composed and delivered by the canonesses of S. M. delle Vergini in Venice, 1177-1516

Thursday, October 3

4:15 p.m. Davison Art Center, Dining Room

Sean Gallagher, Department of Music, Harvard University

Johannes Tinctoris and the Value of Varietas in the Fifteenth Century

Coming up in fall 2002

For your calendar – save the date!

Saturday, 19 October 2002
New England Renaissance Conference. Meeting at Brown University this year!