Fall 2017

We have set up our schedule for the fall term and we anticipate continued lively investigations of issues that are invigorating our scholarly fields. As is our custom, the seminars are entirely devoted to discussion of previously circulated papers; please call in advance for the papers. We hope you will be able to join us this fall.

Thursday, September 14

4:30 p.m. Boger Hall, room 113

Adam Jasienski, Assistant Professor of Art History, Southern Methodist University

Men of Marble: The Decorum of Spanish Royal Portraiture

Thursday, November 30

4:30 p.m. Boger Hall, room 113

Virginia Krause, Professor of French, Brown University

What is an author? Rabelaisian avatars


For a copy of these papers, please contact Esther Moran at emmoran@wesleyan.edu, or the Renaissance Seminar coordinator, Michael Armstrong Roche at marmstrong@wesleyan.edu