Spring 2008

We have set up our schedule for the spring term and we anticipate continued lively investigations of issues that are invigorating our scholarly fields. As is our custom, the seminars are entirely devoted to discussion of previously circulated papers; please call in advance for the papers. We hope you will be able to join us and our colleagues this spring!

Wednesday, March 5

4:15 p.m. Davison Art Center, Room 300

Yvonne Elet, Department of Art History, Architecture & Urban Studies, New York University

The Roads to Rome: Topography and Ideology at the Medici Papal Hospitium (Raphael’s Villa Madama)

Thursday, May 1

4:15 p.m. Davison Art Center, Room 300

Kathleen Christian, Department of History of Art, University of Pittsburgh

Empire without End: Antiquities Collections in Renaissance Rome

Save the date!
New England Renaissance Conference at Wesleyan University
Coming up this fall: Friday afternoon/Saturday morning, October 10/11, 2008