Spring 2003

We have fixed our schedule for the spring term and we anticipate continued lively investigations of issues that are invigorating our scholarly fields. As is our custom, the seminars are entirely devoted to discussion of previously circulated papers; please call in advance for the papers. We hope you will be able to join us and our colleagues this spring!

Monday, March 31

4:15 p.m. Davison Art Center, Dining Room

Robert Gaston, Department of Art History, La Trobe University

Rhetoric Unobserved: Artistic Decorum in Renaissance Italy

Monday, April 28

4:15 p.m. Davison Art Center, Dining Room

Luis Girón, Department of Comparative Literature, Harvard University

“Nunca pude matar este rastro de confeso”: Jews and ‘Conversos’ in the 15th Century Spanish ‘Cancioneros’