Fall 2004

We have fixed our schedule for the fall term and we anticipate continued lively investigations of
issues which are invigorating our scholarly fields. As is our custom, the seminars are entirely
devoted to discussion of previously circulated papers; please call in advance for the papers.

Wednesday. October 13

4: 15 p.m. Davison Art Center, Rm. 300

Amanda Wunder, Department of History, University of New Hampshire

Where the Everyday Meets the Otherworldly: Sacred Images in Golden-Age Seville

Wednesday, November 17

4: 15 p.m. Davison Art Center, Rm. 300

Monika Schmitter, Art History Program, University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Marcantonio Michiel’s ‘Notizia d’opere del disegno’: A Problematic Legacy